Peculiarities of Grammar Study of Mountain First-Form Pupils


  • Marija Kiryk



analizator system, learning literacy, country school


The articles describes the role of analiztor system (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) at the
initial stage of learning literacy and language development six years old. They from specific
integration system, that provides more efficient perception, memorization and reproduction of
educational material. The article deals with attempt to ascertain linguadidactic interconnections
and interdependence between grammar education (reading, writing) and speech of six-year pupils.
Summing up it should be mentioned to organize 6-year pupils studing in the country mountain
school becides pedagogical, economical, geographic and social problems psychologic
linguadidactic are added. Preferences of mountain country children:
– Formation from childhood ability to live in harmony with nature;
– Sensitive perception of alive and inanimate surrounding nature;
– Life-style form children’s responsibility for entrusted things, labour habits, training by hard
nature conditions.
They should be solved in complex providing achievents of psychology, pedagogics, linguists
and up-to-date technology. The aim of the article - to reveal individual peculiarities of country
mountain child who needs special method of approach to grammar studing as well as to help
country teacher who strongly feels lack for efficient method help. All these affect on prepearing
level, children’s outlook, general development. Scientific and methodogical institutions have not
easy task-system training and skill raising of primary school teachers to realize State standart of
primary general education. Acquaintance of country teacher with up-to-date achievements in
psychologic, pedagogic and linguistic education will help him to organize his work in the country
school on rather higher level as well as let him give more qualitative education services and save
country school as the main country existent validity.




How to Cite

Kiryk, M. 2014. Peculiarities of Grammar Study of Mountain First-Form Pupils. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 1, 2-3 (Dec. 2014), 99–104. DOI:


