Professional Values of a Modern Teacher as the Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Education During War Conditions




professional values, teacher, education, participants in the educational process, quality of education, higher education institutions


The article substantiates the relevance of the problem, provides a theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the concepts of “values” and “professional values of a modern teacher,” and defines their role in ensuring the quality of higher education during wartime. It was found that teaching in wartime has become a challenge for all the participants in the educational process and a real test for higher education institutions, which enable young people to receive not only knowledge but also psychological support, and maintain a sense of belonging to the Ukrainian community. Ukrainian educators demonstrate lessons of resilience, struggle, and victory to the world daily. Due to their work, Ukrainian youth can continue learning despite numerous challenges and threats. Ensuring access to quality education at all levels has become a priority of state educational policy. This direction includes creating conditions for continuous learning, developing new models of the educational process, supporting teachers and students, and providing access to innovative technologies and educational materials. It is emphasized that the professional values of teachers have gained particular significance in Ukraine's higher education system. Their activities during the war focus on training specialists who uphold and affirm the values of Ukrainian statehood. Teachers not only educate the new generation but also strengthen belief in the future, inspiring active citizenship, readiness to defend their values, and build a peaceful society. Conclusions are drawn that the modern teacher possesses values that determine the success of their professional activities and ensure the quality of higher education. The main values include: respect for the dignity and rights of higher education students, academic integrity, continuous professional growth, innovation and creativity, collaboration and partnership, empathy, and social responsibility; determination, etc. It is worth noting that emotional resilience and balance are crucial for teachers working in wartime conditions.


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How to Cite

Tsiuniak, O. et al. 2024. Professional Values of a Modern Teacher as the Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Education During War Conditions. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 11, 3 (Sep. 2024), 68–74. DOI:




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