


schoolchildren, physical culture, author's program, history of Ukraine, defense of Ukraine


The use of innovative approaches, such as military-historical reconstruction, in physical education creates unique opportunities for the comprehensive development of the younger generation, the formation of patriotism and national identity. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of the author's physical education program on the formation of patriotic feelings in schoolchildren through military-historical reconstruction. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of Lyceum No. 80 and Secondary School No. 27 in Lviv. For four months (from February to May 2024), students studied according to the author's physical education program. The physical education program developed by us involved a combination of physical culture, history and defense of Ukraine. All exercises and tasks were designed with a historical subtext and were dedicated to preparing young people for the defense of the state. At the beginning and at the end, pedagogical observations were conducted to assess patriotism. Results. The experiment we conducted demonstrated significantly higher effectiveness of the author's physical education program compared to the traditional one. In the experimental group, a significant improvement in all components of patriotism was recorded - intellectual, motivational, activity, moral-ethical and social, while in the control group the changes were insignificant or statistically insignificant. It is especially worth noting the increase in the sum of the scores in the EG, which indicates a complex positive impact of the use of military-historical reconstruction tools on the formation of patriotic qualities of schoolchildren. Conclusions. The physical education program with the use of elements of military-historical reconstruction effectively contributes to the formation of patriotic feelings in schoolchildren. All components of patriotism significantly improved in EG schoolchildren: intellectual, motivational, activity, moral-ethical and social. After its completion, EG students significantly outperformed CG students in all components and the overall level of patriotism formation. This indicates the higher effectiveness of the physical education program, logically connected with the history of Ukraine, than the traditional one, and confirms the importance of its implementation in the educational process.


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