



outdoor games, handball, junior schoolchildren


The learning efficiency at any age largely depends on the interest of students, the provision of age-appropriate methods and means of learning. Since high motor activity and cognitive activity is a natural need at junior school age, it is necessary to look for adequate ways to realize this need. Since high motor activity and cognitive activity is a natural need at junior school age, it is necessary to look for adequate ways to realize this need. The objective of the research: to theoretically substantiate the methodology of teaching the handball elements for junior schoolchildren based on the use of outdoor games. To achieve the objective of the research, a number of complementary research methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents, content analysis, synthesis and generalization. Research findings. During the research, we identified a priority place for conducting classes on outdoor games for junior schoolchildren. It was established that two models of outdoor games differ most in handball classes - outdoor games and relays. The paper defines that learning the game must be divided into several stages, using various exercises. The essence, the main provisions of the developed methodology for the initial study of the handball elements for junior schoolchildren are described, the games conducted according to the developed methodology are presented. Studying the method of teaching the handball elements for junior schoolchildren based on the use of outdoor games, we came to the conclusion: 1. When learning the technical elements of the handball game, it is worth using outdoor games with handball elements to effectively learn the motor skills of junior schoolchildren. 2. The research findings indicate the appropriateness of teaching the handball game with a division into several stages, using a variety of exercises. 3. It is methodologically justified to follow a certain sequence during the initial study of the handball elements for junior schoolchildren using outdoor games.


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