recreational and recreational activity, elderly ageAbstract
An important component of the concept of active aging is the creation of conditions for maintaining a
healthy and active lifestyle of the elderly. Experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) report low levels of
motor activity as one of the important health risk factors and one of the major causes of mortality. Therefore, the
study of motor activity of the elderly is very relevant. The purpose of the study is to determine the level and
impact of motor activity on the elderly. Material and methods: the following research methods were used to
solve the tasks set in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of the data of scientific and methodical
literature; pedagogical research methods; method for determination of motor activity (Framingham method);
methods of mathematical statistics. Experimental work was conducted with two groups of respondents: the first
group is the people who are engaged in fitness clubs Sportlife and Titan – 38 people, the second – consisted of
people who continue their self-education at the Chernivtsi University of the Third Age them. A. Kolping – 35
representatives. This group of respondents does not engage in recreational motor activity. A total of 63 people
aged 60–73 years participated in the study. The motor regime of the respondents of the first group was
characterized by organized motor activity throughout for at the expense of classes in fitness clubs and exercises
during the day (morning hygienic gymnastics, walks, jogging, etc.). In the second group of subjects, sedentary
motor activity was prevalent, which regularly visited the University of the Third Age, where classroom classes
were conducted. And so, among the respondents of both groups, the predominance among the levels of motor
activity had a baseline level (37.5% and 41.6% hours per day). About the second in rank in the first group –
a small level (29,2%), and in the second group – a sedentary level (37,6%). It is worth noting that respondents
from the second group do not spend time on specially organized motor activity, in contrast to the study group
one – 4.2% – high level of motor activity.
Key words: recreational and recreational activity, elderly age.
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