Psycho-corrective work with socially unadapted teens


  • Galyna Lemko
  • Mykhailo Hundiak



psychocorrection, unadapted behavior, disadapted adolescents, social pedagogue, psychologist, social and pedagogical help


The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of social pedagogy – the problem of psychocorrectional work with unadapted adolescents. The important values that characterize psycho-correction work with socially disadapted adolescents are opened on the basis of theoretical and socio-psychological research. It is explored and analyzed the features of psychocorrectional work of social pedagogue with socially disadapted adolescents determined, the essence and tasks of social pedagogical work with children of various forms of maladaptation behavior in the work.
A social pedagogue, which works in the systems of the community, congregation services, rehabilitation centers, it is advisable to work on psycho-correcting work. The aim of the action of social pedagogue is to help eliminate obstacles that interfere with the successful independent movement of a teenager in the world. Provisional guidelines for cooperative activities are aimed at providing a comprehensive range of services in connection with the provision of services to a client or other client.
Practicing work with adolescents is based on the same principles as with children, but are added the new components corresponding to the age. Taking care to help you, a social educator, and all of you, always must remember you that the main thing in relationships with teenagers is to have confidence and trust.
The previous analysis of the study of the problem of psychological control personality of co-deductible non-perennials, which is an important factor in the correction of the disadvantageous behavior is the coincidental control. Essential coincidental control is that it provides for the closure of coincidental activities aimed at preventing a disadvantageous behavior, the persecution of detainees in the course of their deliberate asocial actions, psychological using and the systematic control of their deviation.
The results of the study will be valuable in the work of a social educator. This enables social educators to find adequate means of influencing the relationship between adolescents who have a tendency to disadapted behavior.



