Essence and structure of readiness of future techniques-technologies specialists for professional self-realization in food technologies


  • Viktoriіa Zhelanova



readiness, professional readiness, self-realization, professional self-realization, readiness of future technicians-technologists on the technology of nutrition


The analysis of the concepts of "readiness", "professional readiness", "self-realization", "professional self-realization" as the semantic components of the basic concept of research is represented in the article. The essence of the phenomenon is the readiness of future technology technicians from the technology of food to professional self-realization as a complex integrated personal formation. which contains a system of professional knowledge, skills and qualities, as well as qualities and conditions, oriented to the professional self-realization of the individual in the profession as a set of processes of self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-control and self-control. The structure of preparedness of future technicians-technologists on the technology of nutrition to professional self-realization, which contains the motivational-value component (a set of value attitude to the future professional activity of technology technicians on the technology of nutrition, the desire to work as a technician-technologist on the technology of nutrition, motives, needs, installation of self-realization in the future profession); cognitive component (knowledge of normative documents of the state and methodological level; knowledges of food production technology; knowledge of modern methods for determining the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products; knowledge of the structure of the market and the market of suppliers of food raw materials; knowledge of professional terminology; canons of business communication; knowledge of professional ethics and etiquette); active component (reflexive skills (introspection of their professional activity, awareness of their own resources); ability to creatively implement theoretical knowledge in non-standard professional work situations; knowledge of modern food technologies and the ability to use them; skills adapt to new professional conditions.



