Forest reclamation of technogenic lands: a case study of ash and slag dumps
forest reclamation, phytorecultivation, technogenic landscapes, ecological restorationAbstract
Forest reclamation of technogenic landscapes represents a considerable ecological intervention, addressing environmental challenges caused by industrial transformation of the environment. This comprehensive study investigates vegetation restoration and ecological rehabilitation on ash and slag dumps of the Burshtyn Thermal Power Plant, revealing innovative strategies for ecosystem recovery with forest reclamation in severely degraded environments. The research explores spontaneous succession and strategic phytorecultivation, analyzing the species diversity and ecological characteristics of woody vegetation on ash and slag dumps. Surprisingly, native species predominated (65 % of tree species), challenging previous assumptions about vegetation restoration in anthropogenically transformed landscapes. Pioneer species like Betula pendula, Salix caprea and Populus spp. emerged as critical agents of ecological transformation, capable of rapidly establishing vegetation cover and initiating complex successional processes. Nitrogen-fixing species such as Alnus glutinosa and Hippophae rhamnoides were highlighted for their unique ability to restore ecosystems on technogenic substrates. The study recommends a diverse ensemble of tree and shrub species with exceptional adaptive capabilities, demonstrating a sophisticated biological approach to landscape restoration. Practical recommendations include strategic species selection, understanding spontaneous succession dynamics and implementing supplementary restoration techniques. By providing a comprehensive framework for ecological restoration, this research contributes to environmental management and sustainable landscape rehabilitation, offering innovative approaches to transforming degraded industrial territories into functional ecosystems.
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