Provision of Socialization of the Personality in the Preschool Childhood in the Multicultural Educational Environment of Transcarpathia


  • Anna Reho



personality socialization, modern Transcarpathian population, preschool educational institutions, multicultural educational


The rapid tempo of social changes is inherent in the modern Ukrainian society that has
resulted in the actual and problematic personality socialization questions in preschool childhood.
This period is exactly that sensitive period for the primary child world view formation,
consciousness, social features etc. The stay in preschool educational institution plays an important
role in preschool age child personality development.
Transcarpathian region is the region situated on the southwest of Ukraine within the western
part of Ukrainian Carpathians and Transcarpathian lowland. At about 80% of the region’s territory
is covered by the Carpathian Mountains. In accordance with the Ukrainian Law “On the Status of
Mountainous Settlements in Ukraine”, until recently 192 settlements (31% out of the total quantity)
belong to the mountainous. Volovets and Mizhgirya districts fully subject to the action of the above
indicated law, while in other districts the portion of settlements with the mountainous settlements
status is presented from 13,6 (in Mukachevo district) up to 84,4 percent (in Rakhiv disctrict). In our
publication we will pay attention to four mountainous districts of Transcarpathian region: Velykyi
Bereznyi, Volovets, Mizhgirya and Rakhiv districts. This publication presents the comparative
status analysis of preschool age children support carried out by the preschool educational
institutions in Transcarpathian region in the period starting from the year of 2000 until 2013. In the
mountainous districts of Transcarpathian region the preschool educational institutions
establishment, quantity of children in them and preschool institutions loading tendency analysis is
The distribution of preschool educational institutions as per children educational languages is
given in this article.The above mentioned confirms, that in recent years, active attention has been
paid to the new preschool institutions creation, namely in mountainous and half mountainous
districts of Transcarpathian region. Also, the rising tendency of the number of children in these
institutions is observed. However, the need to expand the children coverage by preschool
education is constantly felt.
Allocation of children in permanent preschool institutions in accordance to their language of
education has been changed significantly; nevertheless it still does not satisfy the national
minorities’ needs, due to the fact that it does not correspond to the quantitative composition of
modern Transcarpathian population.




How to Cite

Reho, A. 2014. Provision of Socialization of the Personality in the Preschool Childhood in the Multicultural Educational Environment of Transcarpathia. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 1, 2-3 (Dec. 2014), 208–214. DOI:


