Peculiarities of Forming Value Orientations of Middle School Students in the Process of Physical Activity
ціннісні орієнтації, учні, рухова активність, вік, стать, value orientations, students, motor activity, age, genderAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of value orientations of middle school students in the process of motor activity. The purpose of the study was to study the peculiarities of the formation of value orientations of schoolchildren of grades 5-9 in the process of motor activity according to age and gender.
Material and methods. The research was conducted in the institution of general secondary education No. 17 in Lutsk with the participation of 5-9 grade students in the number of 300 people (150 boys, 150 girls). Their age is 10-15 years. To solve the set goal, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaire of value orientations of M. Rokych, methods of mathematical statistics.
To study the peculiarities of the formation of schoolchildrenʼs value orientations, we used the methodology of M. Rokich, which determines the functioning of the mechanism of value differentiation and the nature of the choice of one or another of them. The methodology consists of two forms on which lists of 16 terminal and 16 instrumental values are provided. The respondent must rate each value on a 5-point scale. All data obtained during the research were processed using the computer program for statistical data processing SPSS Statistics (version 23).
Obtained results. Important values such as «health», «satisfaction» and «material support» were given priority places among 5th grade students. Values that are grouped within a hierarchical structure can be recognized as a reserve of a personʼs general orientation. The 5th grade boys chose: «interesting work», «active, active life», «equality», «friends» and «social recognition». Girls: «happy, family life», «love», «freedom», «independence», «public recognition», «self-confidence».
The following terminal values, such as: «creativity» and «beauty», were among the less informative among boys and girls.
The priority values of 9th grade boys include: values of personal life («satisfaction», «love»); values of professional self-realization («interesting work») and specific life values («health» and «friends»). For girls: values of personal life («love»); abstract values («creativity»); values of professional self-realization («interesting work»); active values («social recognition») and specific life values («health»).
The guys classified the following as reserve values: specific life values («happy, family life»); abstract values («freedom», «independence», «equality», «social recognition»); individual values («material support» and «self-confidence»); and girls: abstract values («freedom», «equality»); specific life values («happy, family life»); individual values («active, active life», «self-confidence») and personal life values («beauty» and «pleasure»).
The ninth-graders listed the «rejected» values - these are the values of personal life («beauty»); abstract values («creativity», «knowledge») and individual values («active, active life»). And for girls, the following were included in the «insignificant» category: concrete life values («friends»); abstract values («knowledge», «independence»); individual values («material support»).
Conclusion. Thus, it is confirmed that the priorities of value orientations of middle school students change every year and what was important for them in the 5th grade changes to the «tail» of values in the 9th grade.
Depending on the sex-age characteristics of teenagers, the hierarchy of instrumental values also changes. Respondents of grades 5-9 assigned the following priority values-means: responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep oneʼs word), firm will (ability to insist on oneʼs point, not to back down in the face of difficulties) and courage in defending one’s opinion, oneʼs views.
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