


mixed martial arts, body composition, athletes, bioimpedance meters, stage of specialized basic training


The modern system of training in various types of mixed martial arts requires scientists to find informative criteria for monitoring the course of adaptive changes in the body of athletes at various stages of training and competition. The active use of non-invasive and, at the same time, modern methods of monitoring the peculiarities of changes in the morphometric indicators of the body of athletes in mixed martial arts will allow to clearly determine the effectiveness of training models. The purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the morphometric indicators of the body of athletes of various types of mixed martial arts (horting, Thai boxing, hand-to-hand combat) at the stage of specialized basic training. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific literature; determination of body composition indicators using the bioimpedance method; non-parametric methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. It was established that among the participants of the study, the level of fat mass (body mass) in athletes engaged in Thai boxing is 10.0% lower compared to representatives of the other two groups of representatives. At the same time, the lowest level of active cellular body mass (ACM) and dry cellular body mass (SCM) was found in sportsmen engaged in horting. At the same time, the largest parameters of AKM indicators were found in the group of Thai boxing athletes, which on average exceed the results fixed in the research process in representatives of the other two groups. It was found that the average group indicators of fat-free body mass (BBM, kg) show the highest parameters in hand-to-hand combat athletes compared to the results of other study participants. Conclusions. The analysis of the results of bioimpedancemetry of the study participants shows that at the stage of specialized basic training, the parameters of body composition indicators, especially fat, active cellular and dry cellular body mass, were found in the athletes engaged in Thai boxing, which clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the effect of special physical training on their morphometric indicators and possibly the level of functional training in general.


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