Motor Activity in the System of Life Activity of 1st-2nd Year Female Students
motor activity, physical activity, female students, Framingham method, age 17–19 yearsAbstract
Aim. To determine the level of daily motor activity of female students of the 1st–2nd years of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University. Research methods. In order to determine the state of diurnal MA of 17–19-year-old female students, a study of diurnal motor activity according to the Framingham method was organized and conducted on the basis of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in September 2021 year. 162 female students of the 1st and 2nd courses, who are enrolled in the main and preparatory group of physical education, based on their health, took part in our study. Results. Motor activity indicators included in the average level of female students of the first and second year had significant differences (p <0.05) and amounted to 44,5 ± 5,3 minutes in the first courses, and 75,6 ± 8,4 minutes in the second year. Female students of the 1st courses spend about half an hour walking – 36,2 ± 5,8 minutes, female students of the 2nd courses – about an hour – 60,5 ± 8,0 minutes (p < 0,01). In the first year, the daily motor activity index is 31,35 ± 0,19 points, and in the second year – 31,55 ± 0,19 points. The analysis of the data of individual motor activity registration cards showed the following data: on a small level of motor activity, independent classes and organized physical culture and sports during the day, without taking into account the time for mandatory physical culture classes at the educational institution, female students of the 1st and 2nd courses spend during the day from 5 to 9 minutes of your time. Conclusions. It was determined that female university students aged 17–19 spend only 5-9 minutes of their time during the day on various types of physical activity, and only a small number – 16 people in the first year and 12 people in the second year – have a minimum level of physical activity, and about 90% of female students are limited to purely household physical activity. It was established that the index of daily motor activity of female students is low and is 31,35 ± 0,19 points in the 1st courses and 31,55 ± 0,19 points in the 2nd courses.
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