Innovative approaches to the organization of physical education of schoolchildren




crossfit, physical education, physical training, schoolchildren, physical education lesson


The article emphasizes the need to introduce the latest technologies into the educational process of general secondary education institutions. Namely, new variable modules of the physical education curriculum, that will help to increase the efficiency of the educational process and motivate schoolchildren to systematically engage in physical exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle while using simple equipment and inventory.

The purpose of the study is to reveal health-improving, developmental, educational possibilities of crossfit for increasing the efficiency of physical education in general secondary education institutions; to investigate the attitude of schoolchildren to the introduction of crossfit into the system of physical education.

Results. We conducted a survey in order to determine the attitude of schoolchildren aged 16-17 to physical education lessons and the introduction of innovative means, like crossfit exercises. The survey involved 45 students of Lutsk Lyceum #25.

After analyzing the data on the popularity of «fashionable» type of sports, we determined that high school students preferred the following types: «crossfit» - 30%, «rugby» - 15%, «cheerleading» - 14%, «fitball aerobics» - 8%, «pilates» - 10%, «calanetics» - 4%, and 19% indicated their own option (football, volleyball and basketball).

Asking high school students about their desire to do crossfit exercises, we found that 65% of respondents expressed such a desire.

Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, studying the practical experience of specialists in strength training, we compiled sets of crossfit exercises suitable for the development of physical abilities of boys and girls aged 16-17 years in physical education classes. We also used exercises from the variable module «Crossfit» offered by A. Petrova.

Conclusions. The volume of pupils' motor activity does not meet the norm, which ensures optimal level of health, due to shortcomings in organization of physical education in general secondary education institutions. One of the modern physical education concept direction is to achieve more significant results of motor fitness through the implementation of fundamentally new approaches, means and technologies.


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