



physical education system, sports, structure, funding, physical activity


Ukraine is facing significant challenges in the development of its physical education and sports system, especially in the context of war and social tensions. The main problems include constraints in funding and infrastructure, as well as the absence of scientifically grounded approaches to physical activity and sports. In the context of these challenges, this article analyzes recent research and publications on this topic.
Researchers in Ukraine have identified that the war has significantly impacted the physical activity of the population, leading to reduced opportunities for sports participation. However, sports and physical activity have proven to be crucial tools for physical and psychological recovery for those affected by the conflict. Nevertheless, there are challenges in providing access to sports facilities and programs for internally displaced persons and refugees.
Studies from European countries emphasize the importance of funding for the development of physical education and sports systems. Countries with substantial and stable investments in sports have developed infrastructure and programs for their citizens, which contribute to increased physical activity and sports participation. Recent research from Europe and other countries underscores the importance of sports as a tool for supporting the psychological well-being of the population. Physical activity and participation in sports events contribute to stress reduction and improvement in the overall mental health of citizens.
The aim of this article is to describe and compare physical education and sports systems in European countries to identify best practices that can be adapted to improve the physical education system in Ukraine. The research includes an analysis of the structure, funding, legislation, and policies in the field of physical education and sports in selected European countries. The results of the article will support the development of reforms in the field of physical education and sports in Ukraine, as well as the incorporation of European experience to enhance physical activity and sports among the citizens.


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