Improvement of Hurdling Technique in Junior Girls Aged 13-15




technical training, hurdle race, junior 13-15 years old, athletes, preparatory period of training


Summary. Peculiarities of hurdle races technique in young girls, aged 13-15 are considered. A method of technical improvement of hurdle running was implemented, which included a complex aimed at developing speed, dexterity, flexibility and formation of the correct idea of performing hurdle running technique in junior girls aged 13-15.

Objective. The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology to improve the technique of hurdle running in track and field athletes aged 13-15 years in the preparatory period of training and to determine its effectiveness.

Material and method of research. The method of research that was used to achieve the goal set: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature data; pedagogical methods; analysis, systematization and generalization; method of mathematical statistics.

Obtained results. The developed technique made it possible to eliminate technical errors, improve the level of speed, dexterity, flexibility due to this, a positive result was obtained, which indicates the effectiveness of the chosen technique in 13-15-year-old track and field athletes in the preparatory period of training.

Conclusions. Taking into account the problems of the selected research topic, a method of improving the technique of hurdle running in track and field athletes aged 13-15 years in the preparatory period of training was developed and implemented. Thanks to this method, technical errors were eliminated and selected physical qualities of female athletes of the experimental group were improved, due to which the growth rate of their technical abilities was increased, which indicates the effectiveness of the developed method. According to the results of the study, appropriate recommendations were given regarding the method of improving the barrier running technique in 13-15-year-old female track and field athletes in the preparatory period of training.


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2024-02-28 — Updated on 2025-01-08