



development, education, students


In the program of economic reforms of the education system (2014), the main problem of modern education was identified: the inconsistency of the quality of education with modern requirements. Recently, solving this problem has been a key task in the activities of educators. First, the social need to change the educational paradigm to a humanizing one, which denies human manipulation and involves the implementation of a fundamentally different approach to it as the goal and center of educational efforts, which promotes ideas and orientations imbued with respect for the individuality of each student and concern for its development. Secondly, at the current stage of the development of Ukrainian society, the most urgent problems are the tense socio-demographic situation, the unsatisfactory state of health of the population and the expected life expectancy of people, the progression of chronic non-infectious diseases and the lack of traditions of a healthy lifestyle. These problems pose a real threat to Ukraine’s humanitarian security. Taking care of personal health means taking care of the good of Ukraine, the good of one’s family, one’s parents, and one’s children. This is a great responsibility for the state and its people. Human health is inextricably linked with physical culture and sports, with health-related activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle”. The most significant indicators of the development of physical culture in society are achievements in improving the health of the population and comprehensive development of its physical qualities, the degree of use of physical culture in the field of education and upbringing, in production and everyday life, as well as sports achievements.


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