physical culture, PE teacher, distance learning, professional burnoutAbstract
For teachers of higher education institutions in general, and specialists who organize practical classes in physical education in particular, distance learning has become a powerful professional challenge and an urgent issue of finding creative approaches for an effective educational process since the beginning of the pandemic and a topic of research due to the martial law. The practicing PE teacher has a significant number of obstacles and factors that cause not only psycho-emotional stress due to the unusual circumstances of the less perfect practical component of the educational process, but also, as a result, professional burnout of the specialist, which will negatively affect his health and the quality of student training.
The aim is to substantiate the problem of emergence and determine the level of professional burnout of the higher education institutions’ teachers in the practical disciplines of physical education while distance educational process in the conditions of crisis phenomena.
Research methods: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literary sources and the Internet resources, questionnaires using a modified questionnaire.
Results. 20 experienced PE teachers of practical disciplines from higher education institutions in the cities of Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and Dnipro took part in the study. The level of their professional burnout was revealed based on a questionnaire conducted in order to identify and assess the qualitative characteristics of the negative and positive sides of the psychological state during the implementation of practical disciplines remotely.
Conclusion. The practicing PE teacher is additionally burdened with increased responsibility for the quality of providing educational services due to the specifics of teaching physical education classes remotely, which increases the psychological pressure on the individual. The results of determining the level of professional burnout during the distance educational process characterize the existence of the problem: 45% of specialists, namely 9 people with a low level (1-26 points), 55% of specialists, namely 11 people with an average level (27-53 points), there are no teachers in the sample with a high level (54 - 80 points).
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