



physical load, adaptive reactions, students


Research goals. The purpose of the investigation was to study the peculiarities of the formation of adaptive reactions to physical activity of students of primary school age. Methods: analysis and generalization of special literature; poll; pedagogical observation; interviewing; comparative experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. During the interviews with physical culture teachers, it was established that any forms of motor activity that require significant energy expenditure lead to the formation of appropriate adaptation reactions. It was found out that the gradual introduction of physical exertion during physical education lessons and the total indicator of rest intervals are important factors in the formation of adaptive reactions of students of primary grades. During physical exercises, physiological mechanisms are triggered in the body of schoolchildren, as a result of which muscle strength increases, the function of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems of the body changes. This, in turn, affects the improvement of health indicators and contributes to the physical development of students. Thanks to the body’s ability to self-regulate, it adapts to changes in external stimuli, which are physical loads. Under the influence of optimal amounts of physical load, the body of students of primary grades becomes more stable and viable. As research shows, manifestations of adaptation in physical education can be different. In particular, students adapt to the coordination complexity of the exercises, as well as to the use of special equipment (gymnastic hoops, balls, rackets, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks), etc. Observations of students’ reactions showed that students adapt especially quickly to physical exertion during games and relays, which are often associated with fierce competition and difficult climatic conditions. Conclusion. It has been proven that training in which motor density gradually increased from class to class contributes to better adaptation of students to physical exertion. In the course of the study, the hypothesis about the importance of regulating physical load for the processes of adaptation of the body to its action was confirmed.


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