



motivation, leisure, students, physical activity


The objective of the research is to study the influence of mobile, interactive, electronic and other devices on students’ motivation to engage in physical activity. To solve the objective of the research, theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, sociological research methods, and methods of mathematical statistics were used. 30 students of 2-4 years of various higher education institutions were invo-lved in the study. To study the research problem, a survey and questionnaire was conducted among students of the Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, aged 18-21, who use mobile devices in everyday practice. Research findings: during the research, the interest in the permission of students of different years of study was determined by ranking. It was determined that all respondents use electronic devices in daily life. However, slightly more than half use apps for monitoring of the health status. Conclusions. During student leisure time, respondents prioritize the benefits of communicating with friends and listening to music. Physical activity and sports are not of top priority, however, the use of gadgets and special applications will serve as a good motivation for them to systematically engage in physical exercises. The research findings revealed the obvious interest and awareness of students regarding the possible positive impact of the introduction of information and communication technologies with the use of mobile devices in the process of physical education classes in educational institutions of higher education. The obtained data confirm the need for the integration of interactive methods as an element of a component aimed at forming a habit and strengthening motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle not only within the boundaries of the educational institution, but also outside its boundaries.


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