rugby-15, competition activity, Rugby Europe Championship 2022, qualified playersAbstract
The aim of research is to analyze indices of competition activity of teams participating in Rugby Europe Championship-2022. The article presents results of pedagogical survey and comparative analysis of basic indices of men’s teams in rygby-15. Methods. Video materials and games scoresheets that were processed, analyzed, and studies, were used as data for the research. Indices of competition activity components of five teams participating in Rugby Europe Championship have been analyzed. The matches were played from February 5 to March 20, 2022. Overall, 10 matches have been analyzed. Indices of competition activity of rugby teams officially registered by International Rugby Board, IRB were used in the research. The following indices of competition activity have been analyzed: number of points scored; number of points allowed; number of tries made; number of tries conceded; number of passes.
Results. In accordance with statistical data it has been revealed that players of national team Georgia statistically prevailed over their opponents in most indices of competition activity (4 of 6). Primarily these are the indices of tries made and conceded, points scored and allowed during the tournament and per game on average. It should be noted that rugby players of national team Portugal ranked 4th in the final standings prevailed by the number of passes made during the tournament and per game on average. Conclusions. The analysis of indices of competition activity at Rugby Europe Championship-2022 proves that rugby players of national team Georgia prevail by the majority of in dices of competition activity in rugby-15, which results in 1st place in final standings. Further academic research will focus on the analysis of indices of the aforementioned teams at Rugby Europe Championship-2022 in standard and semi-standard plays.
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