grappling, motivation, sport, initial stage of trainingAbstract
The purpose of the study is to determine the motives and level of motivation for sports of young grapplers at the initial stage of training. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature on research problems, generalization of data, surveys, questionnaires, methods of determining school motivation according to N.G. Lusanova (modification), T. Ehlers’ method of personality diagnostics for success motivation, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. It was established that 57,4% of children before starting grappling classes had not attended any other sports section before, 12,8% attended sports groups in kindergarten or school, 23,4% regularly did physical exercises with their parents, 6,4% attended classes in various sports sections. 48,9% of parents gave their children to grappling classes because of the desire to see their child healthy, developed and strong, 36,2% did it due to the choice of the child, 10,6% – due to the recommendation of other parents, and 4,3% – due to recommendations of a physical education teacher. Almost half of parents (48,9%) expect sports to improve their child’s physical development and health; 23,4% – acquiring the skills necessary to be able to defend oneself; 12,8% of parents believe that classes will help to find friends, it is a great opportunity to communicate with peers, have common interests, 6,4% of parents associate the future life of their children in adulthood with sports (coach), 6,4 % – they expect to achieve sports results that will ensure adequate material condition in the future, 2,1% – liked the modern sports facility in the sports club. Conclusion. 61,8% of children have a very high level of motivation to succeed, 10,3% have a moderately high level, 21,5% have an average level of motivation, and 6,4% of children have low motivation to succeed.
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