



Olympic education, immigrant children, physical activity, patriotism, social and psycho-logical adaptation


Olympic education is one of the influential factors in the development of the modern generation, as it is multifaceted and covers various fields, primarily physical education and pedagogy. Considering the modern living conditions faced by the modern generation, it is worth noting that children need the most support and help. The events of recent years have had a significant impact on the physical and psychological health of children. Immigrant children need not only material protection and security, but also an increase in the level of physical capabilities and motor activity, which will affect their general social and psychological adaptation. The purpose of the study: analysis of the state of psychological and physical health of immigrant children, highlighting the main issues of Olympic education as a leading factor in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of physical activity, social and psychological adap-tation to new living conditions. Material: the research was based on a questionnaire of children in secondary schools. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, logical-theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, method of synthesis and systematization, methods of pedagogical diagnostics. Results: on the basis of an experimental study, we received information about the place and importance of Olympic education in the process of increasing the level of motor activity of migrant children. The survey was conducted by the public organization “YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE” during the events, the participants of which were migrant children from different regions of Ukraine. The analysis and processing of the results of the questionnaire gives grounds for asserting that Olympic education currently occupies a prominent place in the education and adaptation of immigrant children to new living conditions. Conclusions: the survey of immigrant children made it possible to single out the main points of the implementation and implementation of Olympic education in the educational process, which need to be solved or refined. Thanks to the questionnaire, we improved awareness of Olympic education, which in turn will have a positive impact on the education of students of educational institutions in the future. Thus, we were able to identify the main problems that currently exist during the educational process. The study made it possible to determine the criteria and aspects on the basis of which further actions and measures aimed at solving the specified problem will be based, in particular, support for migrant children and the creation of conditions for their social and psychological adaptation.


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