



health types of gymnastics, bodily condition, indexes of force, speed, endurance, flexibility


The purpose of the article is to study the influence of health-improving types of gymnastics on the state of the body of female students (aged 18-20). Methods. Analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific research data and literary sources, pedagogical experiment. The results. The article examines the problematic issues of the impact of physical exercises on the body of women aged 18-20, the motivation for sports among female students of the I-III years is studied, the dependence of the physical state of a woman’s body on physical exercises, in particular, health-improving types of gymnastics, is analyzed. Conclusions. The conducted study showed that the main motivation for women to engage in recreational gymnastics is to improve their figure, reduce weight, develop physical qualities, improve their health, and increase their self-confidence. The physical development of female students engaged in fitness and aerobics is characterized by a probably greater development of those physical qualities that are directly developed when performing specific exercises of health-improving types of gymnastics, which leads to the conclusion about the effective influence of health-improving types of gymnastics on the physical development of female students.


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