



physical training, basketball, students, criteria, training preparation, training process, testing, indicators


The purpose of the article is to analyze physical training specificity of basketball student players and to reveal assessment methods for their physical development. Research methods: analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific research data and literary sources. The results. The article contains a description of the main criteria for the physical development of basketball athletes. The work describes the specifics of preparing young men for games, methods that analyze health indicators and their capabilities. The article also reflects the peculiarities of working with tall and short players, ways to improve their positive features and eliminate their negative qualities. Criteria of physical development of athletes: height, weight, volume of the chest, squat strength, Vital capacity (VC), and hand dynamometry. The obtained indicators are compared with the standards accepted in a particular country or region, which are analyzed and proven, based on a large number of surveyed respondents. Then, accurate descriptions of the level of physical development of the studied athletes are considered to have been obtained. There are additional indicators that are not fixed by surveys. Nevertheless, they do not lose their significance. Such qualities are mainly determined independently by the coach. They include the strength of the main muscle groups, speed-strength training (jumping ability), flexibility and reaction rate. A lag in the development of skeletal muscle strength is most often observed in tall players, that is the reason why they relatively often suffer from injuries, get tired faster, and have posture problems. Also, such players usually have less mobility and movements coordination, caused by their height. By paying attention to the selection and training of tall players, the process of preparing short players is carried out simultaneously. Such players have their own advantages and qualities that are necessary in basketball. Short players, unlike tall ones, usually do not have problems with mobility and coordination.


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