



cadets, law enforcement activity, physical training, strength abilities


The purpose of the research: to study the dynamics of the level of force abilities of cadets of the specialty “Law enforcement” at various stages of training. Research material and methods. In our work we used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodological literature and empirical materials of scientific research; pedagogical observation; pedagogical tests; methods of mathematical statistics. 56 cadets of the specialty “Law enforcement” took part in the investigation. We tested the level of strength preparedness at the following stages of training: the beginning of training, the end of the first year, the end of the second year and the end of the third year. In the research process we used the following tests: complex strength exercise, pull-ups on the crossbar, squats in 20 seconds. Results, conclusions. The methods used in the training of cadets effectively contribute to increasing the level of strength abilities in the training process. The greatest improvement (p < 0,05) of the strength abilities of cadets is observed during the first year of training. In the second year of training we found a slight improvement (p < 0,05) of the strength abilities of the cadets. In the third course the level of strength preparedness of cadets stabilizes. The results indicate the expediency of making corrections in the process of physical training. Corrections should be aimed at ensuring its high efficiency at all stages of training. We believe that an obvious reserve for optimizing the training of cadets is the activation of their independent work, involvement in sectional classes in various types of sports, as well as making corrections to the structure and content of the educational discipline “Special physical training” (wide use of special strength exercises, as well as effective modern methods of general physical training).


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