



athletic gymnastics, aerobic and anaerobic exercises, optimal balance, capabilities of the body, mature men


The article on the topic “Athletic gymnastics as a means of comprehensive increase of aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of mature men” is devoted to the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the significant importance of a rational combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises in the process of practicing athletic gymnastics training, which can increase its overall effectiveness. The methods of literature analysis, generalization of the pedagogical experience of trainers in athletic gymnastics, pedagogical observation and theoretical modeling were using during the article work. The article reveals the potential of athletic gymnastics and the peculiarities of practicing it in adulthood. Taking into account group typical characteristics, the authors recommend to develop individual training programs that will help maintain the socially significant phenotypic status of each man on a personal level. The thesis regarding the predominant importance of strength exercises in athletic gymnastics training has been refuted, because it can become a source of imbalance in the men comprehensive recovery. The authors justify the opinion about the possibility of expanding the gymnastic component in training and introducing cyclical exercises into individual training programs, which are able to provide the optimal value of cardiac and respiratory productivity for every man with oxygen consumption general high level. The positive impact of the aerobic regime of strength training loads is manifested in the improvement of the heart meat work, and ensures normal functioning of both the cardiovascular and muscular systems, stability of indicators of physical development and basic parameters of phenotypic status. The range of opportunities for strength and gymnastic exercises in the context of strengthening health and improving the physical condition of men has been expanded. The conclusion is that the mechanism of influence of the means of athletic gymnastics on the body of adult men will include aerobic and anaerobic components. Accordingly, the authors developed recommendations for the complex use of aerobic and anaerobic exercises in athletic gymnastics training with the aim of increasing the aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of mature men. In addition, it is recommended to supplement athletic gymnastics with autogenic and psychomuscular training, the importance of which is underestimated by most trainers.


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