swimming, health level, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, childrenAbstract
The article analyzes the influence of physical culture and health-improving swimming lessons on important body systems of primary schoolchildren. It has been determined that training in the aquatic environment has a positive effect on the main body systems. Namely: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous. Also, the impact of swimming on the musculoskeletal system and the psycho-emotional state of children should not be underestimated. Exercise in the water environment trains the child’s body, promotes the emergence and consolidation of new conditioned reflexes, and destroys stereotypes of incorrect body position in space.
The study of children’s health and physical development occupies a significant place in the overall system of studying children’s health and physical development. In this regard, it is important to conduct theoretical and practical diagnostics of primary school children in the process of swimming lessons Based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources, it was found that physical education and health classes using swimming and outdoor games in water are a universal means for the harmonious development of primary school children. And it is in this direction that it is necessary to conduct various scientific studies.
Swimming is a great way to educate, improve performance and prolong active longevity. In addition, training in the water forms a number of personal qualities in the intellectual, volitional, emotional and moral spheres. Exercise in the water helps to improve the functioning of all body systems, but has the greatest impact on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
According to many scientists, one of the most important ways to improve the level of physical development of primary school children is swimming and physical exercises in water. They help to improve the development of motor skills, are a means of strengthening the muscular corset, developing strength and static endurance of muscles; forming correct posture, i.e., the formation of its physical manifestations and the deve-lopment of muscle-joint sensation. In analyzing various sources, we confirmed the opinion of scientists about the benefits of swimming and believe that research in this area will be useful in practice.
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