



adaptive physical culture, cerebral palsy, heart rate variability, adaptation


The purpose of the study was to identify the peculiarities of heart rate variability in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) who participate in adaptive physical culture. Research methods and organization. 24 male persons with CP, aged 20 to 25, who were engaged in adaptive physical culture at the Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport participated in the study. Results. The variability of heart rate in individuals with СP who attended sports sections is likely not different from normal values based on the SDNN, TP, VLF, LFn, HFn, and LF/HF parameters. Statistical indicators RMSSD and pNN50 exceeded normal values, and there was a decrease in spectral indicators of LF and HF. The index of centralization IC was less than 1. Conclusions. During the study of heart rate variability in individuals with CP who engage in adaptive physical culture, it was found that they do not differ from healthy individuals according to most indicators. Positive changes were observed in the form of an increase in RMSSD and pNN50, as well as a decrease in LF, indicating enhanced parasympathetic tone and adaptive changes that developed under the influence of systematic physical exertion during sports sessions. However, there was a likely decrease in HF and IC<1, indicating a predominance of central influences in heart rate regulation, i.e., the presence of functional stress. A comparative analysis of sports types demonstrated that the identified peculiarities of heart rate variability in individuals with CP were most pronounced during athletics and least pronounced during football.


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