

wrestling, sambo, judo, fitness


In wrestling, the achievement of high reliability of competitions is determined by the quantitative and qualitative indicators of physical, psychological and technical and tactical fitness of athletes. To achieve sports top-level results is possible only with genetically determined abilities. Among the genetic markers of athletic talent, an important role belongs to morphofunctional indicators that determine the efficiency of energy supply systems, the development of physical qualities, adaptation, fitness and work capacity. The issue of selecting the most promising athletes at the stage of sports improvement is very relevant and requires further study. The objective of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of wrestlers’ individual fitness specializing in sambo and judo. Methods and organization of the research. A questionnaire survey of 64 sambo wrestlers and 89 judo wrestlers who have the sports qualification of CMS – MS was used to study the fitness of athletes. A complex of general theoretical and empirical research methods was chosen to achieve the objectives: theoretical analysis of literature, survey method (in the form of a questionnaire), pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Research findings. During the study, it was determined from among the CMS and MS sambo wrestlers by the duration of fitness of those who trained quickly, those who achieved results in 2-4 years, and those who trained slowly, those who achieved sports categories and titles in 4 to 11 years. The same study was conducted among judo wrestlers – divided into fast-trained and slow-trained. Conclusions. As a result of our research, the peculiarities of individual fitness of athletes specializing in sambo and judo have been established. The difference in terms of fulfillment by wrestlers of the qualification requirements of the same level allows them to be differentiated into fast and slow trained, with morpho-functional indicators and the level of physical fitness characteristic for each group.


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