health, athletics, physical education lessons, methodology, NUSHAbstract
Aim. To analyze and characterize the variable module “Children’s athletics” of grades 5-6 in the conditions of a new Ukrainian school. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization and analysis of documentary materials. Results. The variable module “Children’s athletics” contains the following elements: Expected learning outcomes (describe the knowledge and skills that students should possess in the process of physical education); The proposed content of the educational subject (based on the main exercises studied in the lessons); Types of educational activities of students (contains the main methods of educational activities that should be used by the teacher in physical education lessons). Conclusions. Summing up, we can say that analyzing the curriculum of the 5th-6th grades, the variable module “Children’s athletics” diversifies the baggage of means of learning the basic elements of athletics, combined with games, quests and quizzes, which will encourage active involvement in the process of physical education. Evaluation is now based not only on the grade, but also on the column “Characteristics of learning results” based on observation in the process of physical education throughout the year. It is recommended for the physical education teacher to encourage students who show expressed cross-cutting skills, such as interest in learning, the ability to understand educational material, the ability to express their own opinions, think critically and systematically, logically justify their views, act creatively, initiate the learning process, manage emotions constructively, assess risks, make decisions, solve problems and collaborate with others to further develop skills. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the corresponding column, placing marks next to each of these skills. When analyzing the program “Physical and health culture” in Canada, we did not find a section on athletics, but its section “Basic motor skills” includes the main types included in the module “Children’s athletics” at NUSH.
Difficulties also arise during assessment, since the main method of assessment in Canada is fitness tests, which also have a large workload when taking them.
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