model, didactic competence, students, secondary education (physical education), pedagogy of physical educationAbstract
Aim. To develop and justify the model of formation of didactic competence of students of specialty 014
Secondary education (physical culture). Methods. Data analysis of scientific and methodical literature and
information resources of the Internet, content analysis of theoretical and methodological works, surveys,
observations, modeling and the method of generalization and conclusions. The didactic competence of a future
physical education teacher is an important component of his professional readiness, which ensures his selforganization
at the personal level in accordance with professional requirements and gives the opportunity to
professionally carry out pedagogical activities in the physical education system of an educational institution.
The developed model of didactic competence of the future physical culture teacher consists of motivationalinformational,
cognitive-content and technological components. The motivational and informational component
was aimed at forming in students a stable motivation for a thorough study of pedagogical didactics as a factor in
the implementation of professionally oriented knowledge and skills acquired at the ZVO in the pedagogical
activity of the future physical culture teacher. The cognitive-content component is aimed at forming the completeness of theoretical knowledge and features of practical application of various forms of work:
simulations, presentations, “brainstorming”, open conversations, symposia, debates, defense of didactic models
developed by students. The technological component involved familiarizing students with various methods and
features of developmental education. The developed model of didactic competence with its content is implemented
during the teaching of the educational discipline “Pedagogy of physical culture with the basics of
didactics”. It has been investigated that the formation of didactic activities of students of the specialty 014
Secondary education (Physical culture) is possible under the condition of the implementation of structural
content components on the basis of interdisciplinary integration with professionally oriented disciplines and the
wide use of innovative teaching methods that create a favorable informational and activity pedagogical
environment in which the interest in pedagogical didactics and developing reflective abilities.
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