



fitball-aerobics, older preschoolers, physical culture and health classes


The introduction of fitball tools into the physical education process of preschool education institutions
will contribute to the diversification of the content of physical culture and health classes, increasing children’s
interest in classes, as well as optimizing the indicators of their physical condition.
The purpose of the research is to reveal the organizational and methodological features of fitness
programs with elements of fitball and to determine its influence on the indicators of the physical condition of
children 5-6 years old.
Research methods and organization. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and
methodical literature; pedagogical methods (experiments, testing); anthropometric methods; methods of
mathematical statistics.
110 children took part in the research. The pedagogical experiment was conducted during September-
May 2018-2019 on the basis of the preschool education institution “Liubavonka” No. 10, Pereiaslav, Kyiv
Research results. The structure of fitball aerobics classes consists of three parts: preparatory, main,
and final. The duration of the parts of the lesson can be different: the preparatory part can be 15-20%, the main
part – 75-80%, and the final part – 5-10% of the total time of the lesson.
The main means of fitball aerobics are: structural exercises; general developmental exercises, sitting
on the ball; general developmental exercises, standing with a fitball in hands; exercises for coordinating
movements with music; basics of choreography; dance steps; rhythmic dances; basic steps of fitball aerobics;
musical and moving games for attention, of low and medium intensity, relay races; basic fitball aerobics
exercises; sets of fitball-aerobics exercises; exercises for the development of strength, endurance, flexibility and
other abilities in various starting positions; acrobatic exercises with fitball; exercises to maintain balance and
develop the vestibular apparatus; relay races and high-intensity music-movement games.
Conclusions. Fitball aerobics refers to one of the types of health fitness and involves the use of muscles
of different elasticity, size, color, mass. The analysis of the data of the pedagogical experiments shows that the
defined organizational and methodical principles of fіtball-aerobics classes contributed to an increase in the
level of physical fitness of the children of the experimental groups in comparison with the control groups.


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