



adolescence, body weight, functional status, girls


The aim of the study was to carry out a comparative analysis of indicators of the functional status of the
main physiological systems in normal and underweight 12-13-year-old girls. Materials and methods:
theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, comparison and matching,
anthropometric assessment, physiological measurements, and mathematical statistics. The study involved a total
of 138 adolescent girls aged 12-13 years, of which 108 were 12-years-old and 30 were 13-year-old girls.
Results. It was found that indicators of the functional state of the main physiological systems in underweight 12-
13-year-old girls were reduced compared to girls with a normal body weight. The distribution of girls according
to the values of the measured indicators showed that the vast majority of 12-13 year-old girls had the moderate
level of adaptive reserve capacities. Furthermore, at the age of 12, the share of underweight girls with a low
score of Kerdo vegetative index was 40.7%, which was statistically significantly higher (χ2=10.61; df=1;
p=0.0011) than the share of girls with normal body weight (13.0%). Similar patterns were observed in 13-yearold
girls: the share of girls with a high score of the Kerdo vegetative index was statistically significantly higher
among girls with normal body weight (χ2=3.97; df=1; p=0.0464). It was found that the vital capacity in
underweight 12-13-year-old girls was statistically significantly (p<0.05) lower compared to their peers with
normal body weight. Based on the values of vital capacity, the Robinson index and the Ruffier index, 12-13-yearold
girls had low and below average levels. Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it was found that
there are significant differences in the indicators of the functional status between the normal and underweight
teenage girls aged 12-13 years.


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