
  • Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8226-061X
  • Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0639-5819
  • Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича




radiculopathy, root syndrome, recovery, therapeutic exercises, shock wave therapy, biomechanical stimulation


The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of combining traditional recovery methods with
methods that have been used relatively recently. The aim of the study was to theoretically substantiate and
practically confirm the effectiveness of the combination of the effects of therapeutic exercises, shock wave
therapy, biomechanical stimulation and kinesioteping in complex recovery in cervical radiculopathy.
The following research methods were used during the experiment: study and analysis of literary sources
on the selected topic; analysis of data of medical records of patients with cervical radiculopathy; sociological
methods of research ( observation, survey, questionnaire), somatoscopy and somatometry; neurological
functional examination ( sensitivity examination, determination of tendon and periostal reflexes, goniometry),
testing of muscle strength on the Lovett scale, method of mathematical statistics.
The program of recovery of patients of the experimental group, the following elements of influence were
combined: shock-wave therapy, massage of the cell zone, back and upper extremities, biomechanical stimulation,
a complex of therapeutic exercises with elements of static load, postisometric relaxation and maham,
exercises at the wall training station TheraBand, laying kinesiotheips on the neck, performing morning charging
with elements of postisometric relaxation.
As a result of the experiment, most patients experienced major pathological symptoms or their intensity
decreased significantly, the amplitude of the movements of the head and upper extremities increased, the
strength of the muscles of the upper extremities was improved, skin tourgors improved. These results support the
hypothesis that the proposed combination of recovery methods may be effective in the physical therapy of
patients with cervical radiculopathy.
The development of physical therapy and the emergence of new methods of influence on recovery
processes allow to search for optimal combinations that will increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation


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