



corrective and developmental work; inclusion; children with special educational needs; teaching; education


Corrective and developmental work in physical education with children with special educational
needs. The purpose of the research is theoretical substantiation of the expediency and necessity of corrective
and developmental work in physical education with children with special educational needs. Research methods.
The following research methods were used to fulfill the tasks: theoretical analysis and generalization of
scientific and methodological literature. Results and conclusions. The issue of remedial and developmental
classes is described in the “Procedure for Organization of Inclusive Education in Secondary Educational
Institutions” [5]. While practicing the corrective and developmental work with children with special educational
needs, depending on the educational capabilities and needs of the child, additional educational methods,
technologies or their adapted or modified elements are used. In the educational process, the corrective and
developmental component should be anticipatory in nature: not only to improve and practice what the child has
achieved, but also actively shape what should be developed in the near future. One of the ways of involving
persons with disabilities in professional activity, active social life, creating conditions for their social,
psychological and physical rehabilitation is sports and physical health activities. It has been investigated that
the following groups of exercises are distinguished in the physical education of persons with disabilities: general
preparatory (general developing) exercises used in small forms of physical education: workouts, short physical
activity exercises, etc., and special ones – running, walking, swimming, and others. It was proved that the main
forms of physical education of persons with disabilities are: independent exercise classes (morning hygienic
gymnastics, walks; organized individual and group physical education classes: therapeutic physical education
and corrective classes in medical and sanatorium institutions and rehabilitation centers, invasport (organization
and holding of competitions in available sports).


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