



formation of a culture of health, motor activity, physical culture and health exercises, independent performance of exercises, physical capacity, formation of skills and abilities, younger schoolchildren, development of motor qualities, functional capabilities of the body


Measures to improve activities in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren
are extremely important for the education system, they reflect the most diverse needs, among which a significant
place is given to the socio-psychological need to preserve health. The need to develop appropriate teaching and
methodical manuals and methodological instructions for teachers on the formation of a culture of health based
on the independent performance of physical and recreational and sports recreational exercises in order to
improve the health of primary school students is urgent, as it contributes to the implementation of the state
standard and improving the quality of teaching the subject “Physical Culture”. The important need of society in
the formation of healthy, physically and mentally developed schoolchildren, independently oriented in the
knowledge and skills to use creativity in the use of physical culture and health exercises, the skill in the
formation of a culture of health determines the relevance of our topic.
The results. We determined that the formation of skills and abilities to independently perform physical
exercises in homework and in exercises aimed at supporting and developing motor qualities of younger
schoolchildren had a significant impact on increasing motor activity. The formation of a creative and
independent approach of the schoolboy in the design of physical culture and health and sports and health
exercises, which made it possible to increase motor activity; had a positive effect on the mental abilities, level of
health, physical fitness, functional capabilities of the body of elementary school students and ultimately
contributed to the formation of a culture of health.


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