



health fitness, assessment, biogeometric posture profile, risk areas, men, mature age


Aim. Biogeometric posture profile state assessment of men of the first mature age PERIOD engaged in health fitness. Methods. To perform the set tasks there were used the following research methods: pedagogical experiment, visual screening, mathematical statistics methods. Results. There was established negative dynamics of posture disorders increasing number in men aged 26–35 depending on their age. Express control of men’s posture biogeometric profile indicates that among men of the first mature age period with normal posture there is no low biogeometric profile level observed. The distribution of 26–30 year-old and 31–35 year-old men both with impaired and normal posture according to biogeometric posture profile assessment in the frontal and sagittal planes, as well as a generalized total assessment corresponded to normal distribution law. To identify the risk zone for musculoskeletal system functional disorders, there were constructed graphs of normal distribution of 26–30 year-old and 31–35 year-old men with normal posture and posture disorders according to biogeometric posture profile assessment in the frontal and sagittal planes, as well as a generalized total assessment. Conclusion. According to study results, a negative dynamics of increasing posture disorders number depending on the age in men aged 26-35 was found. Express control of biogeometric posture profile of men indicates that among men of the first mature age period with normal posture there is none with a low biogeometric posture profile level.


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