


children, morphological features, auditory deprivation, physical development


Aim. To systematize the empirical research results on morphological features of 6-8 year-old practically healthy children and their coevals with auditory deprivation. Methods. In the study there was used documentary materials analysis, anthropometric measurements and body weight index determination. The hypothesis about the input data subordination to the normal distribution law was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test, after which it was decided to apply parametric (Student's t-test) or non-parametric (Mann-Whitney U-test) criteria, on the basis of which the statistical differences significance between the indicators in children depending on gender or auditory deprivation. 282 schoolchildren (85 practically healthy boys and 85 girls) and 64 boys and 48 girls with auditory deprivation took part in the observational experiment. Results. Empirical studies array analysis on the morphological features of 6-8 year-old practically healthy children and their coevals with auditory deprivation made it possible to state that their indicators had no significant differences. It was found that the quotient of 6-year-old girls with auditory deprivation with reduced body weight was 1.25% lower than the quotient of almost healthy girls, although at 7 and 8 years their number was 8.33% and 11.55% higher than the quotient of girls with body weight deficit. Conclusion. During the research it was found that auditory deprivation is one of the causes of physical development retardation in 6-8-year-old children compared with almost healthy children, and has its age and gender pecularities.


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6. Kashuba V, Savlyuk S. Structure and content of the technology of prevention and correction of disturbances of spatial organization of the body of children 6-10 years old with sensory systems deprivation. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(8):1387-407.
7. Kashuba V, Afanasiev D. Dynamics indicators of supporting - spring properties of a foot in the children of primary school age with derivation of hearing during process of adaptive physical education under influence of author’s technology on prevention of violations the biomechanical properties of foot. Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport. 2020;6(4):56-63. elSSN 2450-6605. DOI
8. Kashuba V, Stepanenko O, Byshevets N, Kharchuk O, Savliuk S, Bukhovets B, Grygus I, Napierała M, Skaliy T, Hagner-Derengowska M, Zukow W. The Formation of Human Movement and Sports Skills in Processing Sports-pedagogical and Biomedical Data in Masters of Sports. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences. 2020;8(5):249-57.; DOI: 10.13189/saj.2020.080513.
9. Kashuba V, Savliuk S, Grygus I. Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2020;20(2):939-45.
10. Savliuk S, Kashuba V, Vypasniak I, Grygus I. Differentiated approach for improving the physical condition of children with visual impairment during physical education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2020;20(2):958-65.
11. Savliuk S, Kashuba V, Romanova V. Implementation of the Algorithm for Corrective and Preventive Measures in the Process of Adaptive Physical Education of Pupils with Special Needs. Teorìâ ta Metodika FìzičnogoVihovannia. 2020;20(1): 4-11.

