junior schoolchildren, flat feet, taekwondoAbstract
Aim. Identify the effect of taekwondo on the correction of flat feet in younger students. Methods. With
the consent of parents, 25 male children aged 7–10 years, with I–II degree of flat feet, from among students of
2–4 grades of secondary schools in Ivano-Frankivsk were involved in the pedagogical experiment. Sectional
classes were conducted under the guidance of a taekwondo coach up to three times a week for 9 months, lasting
60 minutes. The maximum heart rate did not exceed 140 beats / min. To study the foot used the method of
Martirosov EG [4], which involves taking footprints of the plantar surface of the feet (plantogram). Results.
There are the following factors that affect the development of flat feet: underdeveloped foot muscles, weakness of
the musculoskeletal system, excessive exercise, overweight, prolonged hypokinesia, improperly selected shoes,
clubfoot, X-shaped legs, foot injuries and ankle joint, as well as genetically determined shape of the foot. The
development of new and improvement of existing means of maintaining the physical health of children of
primary school age and the recovery of their bodies in various disorders is one of the important tasks of physical
culture. In this context, an innovative program was developed for children of primary school age with disorders
of the arch of the foot. In the preparatory part of the lesson, in addition to gymnastic exercises for different
muscle groups, a set of joint gymnastics was used to prepare the body of younger students to perform the
technical elements of taekwondo. In the main part of the lesson the emphasis was on the study and improvement
of basic kicks, and in the final part they used relaxation exercises, self-massage, breathing exercises. Analysis of
plantograms made before and at the end of the pedagogical experiment revealed a probable improvement in the
coefficient K, heel angle and angles near the first and fifth fingers, which is evidence of complete correction of
flat feet. Conclusion. Thus, it is established that the complex use of taekwondo and joint gymnastics provides
normalization of the arch of the foot in children of primary school age with I–II degree of flat feet.
Keywords: junior schoolchildren, flat feet, taekwondo.
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