
  • Vasyl Khlopetskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Serhii Kuryliuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Andrii Melnyk Precarpathian Faculty of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Olena Melnyk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



physical culture, students, motives


The aim. To find out the motivation of students of pedagogical specialties to physical education classes.
Methods. The paper uses: theoretical analysis, psychological and pedagogical research methods, questionnaires.
Results. It was found that more than 50% of female students are satisfied with their professional choice.
They have a clear intention to master the chosen profession, because they like it; want in the future by profession
and to improve in the chosen direction; find time to do things related to the chosen profession; seek to have
colleagues in the chosen field; distinguish their profession among others. A high level of interest in physical
education was shown by 20.93% of female students, 32.95% – high, 25.19% – medium, low – 11.4, and 9.69%
have no such interest. Conclusion. The most common motives for physical education for female students are to
strengthen their health (98.84%), improve their physical fitness (84.50%) and improve their body structure
(41.86%). The main reasons that are an obstacle to physical culture are lack of time (51.55%), poor health
(20.54%), lack of sports sections that would interest them (11.24%), sports infrastructure ( 4.65%), exercise
partners (10.85%), sportswear and footwear (9.69%).
Keywords: physical culture, students, motives.


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