
  • Roman Tiahur Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Volodymyr Mysiv Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
  • Ihor Matiichuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



time, personal goals, planning tools, organized manager


The purpose of this study is to reveal the character and importance of planning in the manager’s work, to
characterize the content of planning the personal work of the manager in physical culture.
To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization
of scientific and methodological literature.
Results. It is established that the functions of the manager in physical culture are multidimensional:
general management of the organization, coordination of departments and services, work with personnel,
defining the goals and objectives of the activity, decision making, representation of the organization in relations
with other organizations, control over the actions of executors. The performance of these functions requires a
manager of high business and personal qualities.
It is proved that time is one of the resources that never recover. Lack of time to complete the tasks leads
to the extension of the working day and its irrational use. Lack of time is a result of the lack of clarity,
timeliness, and organization of the manager’s work.
It is shown that the ability to economically and rationally use working hours, constantly improve the
process of planning is a sign of an organized manager. It is necessary to plan the personal working hours of the
manager in the same way as all other activities of the organization, including resources.
Features of planning of personal work of the manager in physical culture are revealed. The process of
planning a manager’s labor should begin with choosing his personal goals. Having defined goals, the manager
makes the following plans: starting with the annual goals he specifies goals for every month, week, and day.
Conclusion. The scheduling of the manager’s working hours should be made with taking into account the
rational alternation of problems to be solved. First, you should plan the cases: with a fixed deadline; those that
take considerable time; unpleasant things that can not be put off for later. Next on the list is to plan routine work
and day-to-day responsibilities. Third place is assigned to minor and episodic cases.
Keywords: time, personal goals, planning tools, organized manager.


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