young football players, model, health-preserving programs, posture disordersAbstract
Aim. To develop a model of health-preserving oriented programs at preliminary basic training stage in
young football players with functional musculoskeletal system disorders. Methods. Data analysis of scientific
and methodical literature and Internet information resources, content analysis of theoretical and methodical
works, reconstruction and synthesis. According to the scientific community, the educational and training process
intensification, characteristic for modern children’s and youth sports, aimed at achieving high sports results,
increases the load on the child’s body and can cause metabolic, morpho-functional disorders, prenosological
conditions and diseases in young athletes. Today, the problem of prevention, early detection and correction of
musculoskeletal system disorders in young athletes is becoming increasingly important. Taking into account the
fundamental developments of the youth sports theory and methods, biomechanics of spatial human body
organization, the specifics of physical trainings planning emphasizing on young athletes body peculiarities,
there was developed a model of health-preserving oriented programs at preliminary basic training stage in
young football players with functional musculoskeletal system disorders at preliminary basic training stage and
technological operations, which includes two interrelated blocks: organizational-methodical and content-target.
The organizational and methodological block of the model of health-preserving oriented programs at preliminary
basic training stage in young football players with functional musculoskeletal system disorders at preliminary
basic training stage requires the organization of preliminary preparatory-methodical work on healthpreserving
environment creating. The content-target programs block included the purpose, tasks, means, forms
and methods of corrective and preventive measures, principles and methods of health-preserving technology
planning and implementation.
Keywords: young football players, model, health-preserving programs, posture disorders.
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Measures to prevent functional muscular disorders in sports training of 7–9-year-old football players
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2020; Vol 20 (Supplement issue 1), Art 52: 366-371.
17. Kashuba V, Savliuk S, Vypasniak I, Yavorskyy A, Kindrat P, Grygus I, Vakoliuk A, Pаnchuk I, Hagner-
Derengowska M. Differentiated approach for improving the physical condition of children with visual
impairment during physical education Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2020; Vol 20
(Supplement issue 2), Art 136: 958-965. Doi: 10.7752/jpes.2020.s2133