
  • Yevhen Mytsenko Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University



assessment, autistic spectrum disorder, children, motor function


This study aimed to find the motor tests as a tools of assessing movement function and represented an
analysis of methods, which allow to assessment of movement sphere in children with autistic spectrum disorder.
That is psychoeducational profile (third revision), the child-watching card, Lincoln-Oseretsky motor
development scale. The analysis was carried out in the part of tools. Especially – how effective and available it
is for children with autistic spectrum disorders. Sixteen boys with autistic spectrum disorders, ranged from seven
to eleven years old, were selected. Also motor tests for the children were selected according to the Nikolai
Bershtein’s theory about coordination and regulation of movements. That is twelve motor tasks: from one to four
per each of the five levels of movement’s coordination. Two groups of motor tests were compared: one group
that were used early and another which is new. First group of tests, that is: finger tapping test and Romberg’s
sign for level – “A”; walking in a set distance and elevate of hand to the mark with eyes closed for level – “B”,
jump from a place for level – “C”. Second group of tests, that is: jumping on step platforms for level – “A”;
special clay modeling and side rolling for level – “B”; walking over the bench and throwing ball at a target for
level – “C”; attaching snap fastener rivets for level – “D” and special writing for level – “E”. The purpose of
the comparison was to evaluate difference, such as how the tests is usable for children with autistic spectrum
disorder. The analysis of methods showed a death of special, available tools for assessment a movement function
in children with autistic spectrum disorders.The obtained results from the comparison showed that there was a
significant difference between two groups of motor tests in how it usable for children with autistic spectrum
disorder (P<0.05). It means that second group of motor tests is more usable than first one for children with
autistic spectrum disorder. As a consequence, it has been seen that new group of tests is expedient for use it
during assessment of a movement sphere in children with autistic spectrum disorder.
Keywords: assessment, autistic spectrum disorder, children, motor function.


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