disorders of spatial body organization, young athletes, corrective and preventive measuresAbstract
Aim. Generalization of theoretical knowledge, domestic and foreign experience according use of health
preserving and adjustment technologies in young athletes training, as well as determining the prospects for their
use in modern conditions. Methods. Data analysis and systematization of scientific and methodical literature,
Internet information resources. Results. At the present, the method of sports training demands the implementation
of a number of radical changes caused by increased rivalry in the world’s most popular competitions, and training
programs actualization, that mostly requires adaptive human body potential exceeding. The most urgent problem
exist at the initial stages of children and adolescents long-term training, when there is the intensive body’s reserves
use for natural growth and development. Prospects for further research primarily require the prevention and
correction technology development of spatial organization disorders of young athletes body. Therefore, trainings of
such athletes will have not only sports-productive, but also health-improving orientation taking into account
individual characteristics of young athletes spatial organization while programming and planning sports training
means, their physical preparedness level and performance sequence of physical improvement tasks. Conclusion.
Trainings that exceeds the adolescents adaptive capacity, the intensive body’s reserves use for natural growth and
development and physiological systems differentiation put forward for solution a number of problems for their
health maintaining. The complexity of solving this problem is exacerbated by such factors as early specialization in
sports and the negative impact of daily training with extreme (peak) body loading. Thus, there are contradictions
between the increased demands to young athletes training, connected with the need for systematic results
increasing, and their limited body functionality at an early ontogenesis stage.
Keywords: disorders of spatial body organization, young athletes, corrective and preventive measures.
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27. Kashuba V, Andrieieva O, Yarmolinsky L, Karp I, Kyrychenko V, Goncharenko Y, Rychok T, Nosova N.
Measures to prevent functional muscular disorders in sports training of 7–9-year-old football players
Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2020; 20 (1): 36-371. online ISSN: 2247 – 806X; p-ISSN:
2247 – 8051; ISSN – L = 2247 – 8051 © JPES.
28. Todorova V, Podhorna V, Bondarenko O, Pasichna T, Lytvynenko Y, Kashuba V. Choreographic training
in the sport aerobics Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2019; 19 (6): 2315-2321. online
ISSN: 2247 – 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN – L = 2247 – 8051. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.s6350
29. Todorova VH, Pogorelova OO, Kashuba VO. Actual Tasks of Choreographic Training in Gymnatic Sports
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (IJAEP) 2020; 9 (6): 225-229. ISSN: 2322 – 3537 .