
  • Alla Alyoshina Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Victoria Matiychuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Zinovii Ostapiak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



female students, morphobiomechanical peculiarities, physique, correction, angular characteristics


Aim. To determine the morphobiomechanical peculiarities of 17–18 year-old female students of different body types. To solve the tasks there was used a set of the following methods: theoretical, empirical, statistical. Methods. 121 female students participated in the study. The somatotype was determined according to
Pinye index. In the process of anthropometric examination, different body biolinks contours, body weight and length were determined. To measure the angles characterizing the biogeometric posture profile (a1 is the head inclination angle formed by vertical and line connecting the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra C7 and CM of the head; a2 is the angle formed by horizontal and line connecting the most prominent point of frontal bone and chin; a3 is the angle of torso inclination formed by the vertical and the line connecting the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) there was used gonometry, and photogrammes were processed using “Torso” program. Results. It was found that of all female students who participated in the study have 64 had mesomorphic body type, 35 had ectomorphic and 22 had endomorphic somatotype. Female Students of ectomorphic somatotype have the highest length indicators, and endomorphic type students – body weight indicators. According to size of body biolinks contours, they are the largest in mesomorphic somatotype students, compared to other body structure types representatives. As a result of conducted research the spatial body organization peculiarities in 17–18 year-old female with different somatotype were studied, in particular, the angular characteristics of the biogeometric posture profile were determined. The conducted researches allowed to create anthropometric models of 17–18 year-old female students. Conclusion. The body structure has
pronounced sexual, age and individual characteristics, and therefore can be considered as an interdependent and interrelated set of morpho-functional human body components.
Keywords: female students, morphobiomechanical peculiarities, physique, correction, angular


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16. Kashuba V, Lopatskyi S, Prylutska T. Contemporary points on monitoring the spatial organization of the
human body in the process of physical education Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2017; 7(6):
17. Kashuba Vitaliy, Asaulyuk Inna, Dyachenko Anna. Characteristics of the biogeometric profile of students’
posture in the process of vocational and physical training. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;
7(6): 1255-1264. DOI
18. Kashuba V, Kolos M, Rudnytskyi O, Yaremenko V, Shandrygos V, Dudko M, Andrieieva O. Modern
approaches to improving body constitution of female students within physical education classes. Journal of
Physical Education and Sport. 2017; 17 (4): 2472-2476. doi: 10.7752/jpes.2017.04277.
19. Tkachova A, Dutchak M, Kashuba V, Goncharova N, Lytvynenko Y, Vako I, Kolos S, Lopatskyi S.
Practical implementation of differentiated approach to developing water aerobics classes for early
adulthood women with different types of body build. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES).
2020; 20(1): 456-60.




