

physical culture, younger pupils, parents


The article deals with such questions as keeping healthy lifestyle by puplils and their parents’ attitude to
such activities. The goal is to research the role of physical culture in the younger pupils’ lifestyle. The methods
and materials here are theoretical analysis, generalization of literature sources, sociological methods (survey
and interview) and mathematical static method. The research have been conducted during 2017–2018. Pupils
and their parents from 4 education establishments took part in the research. The survey’s questions were
answered by 163 1–4 year pupils and their parents. In the result there was drawn the analysis of pupils’ and
parents’ attitude to motor activity, physical culture and doing sport as a whole. Furthermore, it was examined
the level of students’ enlisting to systematic sport and dance classes. It is investigated preferences in spending
free time and preferences in various types of motor activities. The article also deals with the question about any
difficulties that occur when choosing sport types, fundamentals of healthy lifestyle, motor activities and
nutrition. Conclusions. Аre drawn that majority of parents and their children think about doing sport is useful
for their health. However, here exists a low percent of those, who take part in sport activities permanently.
Usually, parents do not provide any effective tool to maintain children’s motor activity. That is why motor
activity is not in priority list of pupils in ways how to spend free time. It was found out that parents do not
consider personal example as an effective way in pupils’ enlisting into sport activities. What is more, there is no
positive motivation to healthy lifestyle from parents.


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