vocational physical training, psychophysical qualities, future police officerAbstract
The aim. To reveal the essence of professionally applied physical training of future police officers and to
identify promising approaches for its improvement. Methods. The analysis of scientific sources and documentary materials is used in the work. Results. The research of foreign and domestic scientists on the types and ways of improving the training of future police officers is analyzed. It is established that the achievement of a high level of professional competence by future employees of the National Police, cadets need to undergo diverse training, namely: service, fire, physical and psychological. In addition, the future police officer must acquire the professional skills, skills and qualities that prepare him for the future profession. The priority is given to psychophysical qualities. After all, the effects of stressful factors, the existence of a real threat to life, the high likelihood of death or injury put high demands not only on the level of professional knowledge, but also on the physical confrontation of law enforcement officers, through the use of self-defense techniques and detention of criminals. Cadets of higher education institutions of Ukraine are taught such disciplines as “physical training” and “special physical training”. These disciplines are implemented throughout the study period. The curriculum for these disciplines includes such sections as: theoretical and methodological training, general physical training and self-defense tactics and personal safety. Сonclusion. For the formation and improvement of psychophysical properties in cadets, teachers choose the most effective and necessary means, methods and forms
of teaching. At the same time, a large amount of educational material remains undeveloped, for certain reasons, namely: low initial level of physical fitness of cadets (the so-called “accessible” level). Physical fitness in over 40% of entrants is low and deteriorating year by year; lack of proper motivation to improve their physical capacity; the thematic plan does not cover all the problems of improving the psychophysical condition, mastering the techniques of combat and melee combat; a small number of teaching hours allocated to general and specific physical training. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new approaches to the psychophysical training of future police officers.
Keywords: vocational physical training, psychophysical qualities, future police officer
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