
  • Andriy Danyshchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




flatfoot, myofascial chains, electromyography, children


The aim of the work is to study the myofacsical cinematic chains of the lower limb and their effect on the
nature of the violation of the vaulted vault apparatus by electromigraphy in children 7–14 years old engaged in taekwondo. Methods. A total of 50 children aged 7 to 14 studied in the taekwondo section. 30 children with signs of functional impairment of the articulation of the foot and flatness of the I–II degree of severity were the main group. The other 20 children without a violation of the arch of the foot formed a control group. The plotographic analysis was carried out on the computer complex “DIERS FAMUS” (Germany). Anthropometric study is supplemented with electromyographic research using the "Neuro-EMG-Micro" apparatus (Russia). The muscles that were included in the three miofascial cinematic chain of the leg were studied. To establish the objective signs of pain, a questionnaire using YAS protocol was used. Quality of life was studied using acne SF-36. Statistical processing of data was carried out using methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics. Results It is established that the muscles of the corresponding group on the shin when comparing the longitudinal axes are part of the anterior, posterior, and lateral myofascial kinematic chain, which ends on different foot surfaces. All of them take part in the
support of the vaulted foot apparatus. The conducted study of electrophysiological activity revealed its decrease and imbalance of tone of individual muscles of the shin, indicating an important role of the violation of the frequency-amplitude characteristics of individual muscles in the composition of myofacsical kinematic chains in creating conditions for functional disorders of the arch of the foot and flat feet. The comparative analysis of the anthropometric indices of the foot of children of different ages and their comparison with electromigraphy data fully confirms modern scientific ideas about the determining role of the myofascial kinematic chains of the leg in ensuring the normal functioning of the foot as an important organ of the locomotor apparatus of the person. Conclusion. The tonic balance of the muscles of the leg is a stabilizing biomechanical force for maintaining the normal position of the arch of the foot, and their imbalance may be the cause of the development of flatness, which is well manifested in electroneuromyographic examination, the results of which can be used as an objective method
for monitoring the foot, for selection methods of correction and prediction of the effectiveness of the results of the applying of appropriate physical therapy in people with flat feet.
Keywords: flatfoot, myofascial chains, electromyography, children.


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