
  • Vitaliy Kashuba National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Natalya Nosova National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Tetyana Kolomiyets’ National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Olena Bondar National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Bohdan Lisovskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



control, posture biogeometric profile, preschool children, physical rehabilitation


Aim. To develop and test a map of the visual screening of the biogeometric profile of posture of the
children aged 5-6 in the process of physical rehabilitation. Methods. The method of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, sociological methods (survey, questionnaire), methods of qualimetry and methods of mathematical statistics were used in the research process. The pedagogical experiment was chosen as the main research method. The ascertaining stage involved obtaining the information about the state of posture biogeometric profile of the children aged 5–6 (n = 76) in the process of physical rehabilitation. Results. Thescientifically substantiated and tested map of screening-control of the biogeometric profile of posture of children aged 5–6 in the process of physical rehabilitation, under the conditions of preschool education institutions, for the timely prevention and correction of its violations. The developed map makes it possible to divide children with functional disorders of the posture by the following levels of their posture biogeometric profile: high, above average, medium and low. The use of the developed technology for monitoring the state of the biogeometric profile of posture of children aged 5–6 in the process of physical rehabilitation allowed us to distribute children with different types of posture disorders according to the levels of the state of the biogeometric profile. The results of the study were the basis for the development of complexes of physical exercises separately for each type of posture at different periods of physical rehabilitation, taking into account the levels of the state of the biogeometric profile of posture of children aged 5–-6. Conclusion. According to the level of the biogeometric profile, 10.53% of the surveyed children showed a low level of posture biogeometric profile in the presence of
complex disorders in the frontal and sagittal planes; 19.74% revealed the above-average level of posture
biogeometric profile with the disorder known as a slouch back.
Keywords: control, posture biogeometric profile, preschool children, physical rehabilitation


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