motor activity, elderly women, oriental gymnasticsAbstract
Aim. To systematize data on the effects of recreational and motor activity on the functional condition of elderly women engaged in wellness groups. Methods. In the course of the research we used the following methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations, surveys, questionnaire; physiological methods – physiometry, heart rate, tonometry, functional tests; methods of mathematical statistics for the processing of quantitative data. In a sociological survey conducted at the Chernivtsi Officers’ House, 69 women aged 63-71 were tested. Elderly women attended wellness groups with the health-recreation activities. Results. During the survey, the respondents from the two groups identified the leading motives for recreational activities, as well as the main reasons for refusing classes. As a result of the organized influence of motor activity on the body of elderly women, a positive trend was observed: the health of the subjects is characterized by a significant improvement in terms of most indicators of functional condition; the developed content of the program has a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state and mental processes of the subjects, significantly affecting the level of their motor abilities. Conclusion:Thus, the above mentioned reasons substantiate the need to develop a special content of recreational and health
classes for elderly women in health groups, which combines traditional means of physical culture with the elements of oriental health systems. This allows us to determine a comprehensive approach to the development of the content of classes in health groups, taking into account the motivational requests and psychophysical abilities of elderly women, that will allow us to find adequate means of physical culture and motor activity inь their rational combination, to increase the effectiveness of health-recreation activities and ensure the optimization of the level of the psychophysical condition of elderly women.
Keywords: motor activity, elderly women, oriental gymnastics.
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